MRC Guidelines
MRC FINANCIAL AID POLICY: It is the policy of the McPherson Recreation Commission that no one be denied access to programs because of their inability to pay. FREE team sports programs are offered to all that qualify for free or reduced lunches. Check at your child’s school office for a coupon. Coupons must be turned in prior to registration deadline. Coupons turned in after deadline must pay $7.00 late fee.
Financial aid applications are available at the MRC Office, 220 N. Walnut St. or online at for non-team sport activities.
MRC REFUND POLICY: It is the policy of the McPherson Recreation Commission to refund 80% of the unused portion of the program fee due to medical reasons or moving from McPherson County.
MRC RESERVES THE RIGHT to cancel or combine programs if necessary.
MRC NOTIFICATIONS: Check the McPherson Recreation Commission Facebook page for cancellations due to weather, school closings, and wet field conditions.